Tuesday, February 9, 2016

He Never Died

I've been looking forward to this movie for a long time. I am a big fan of Henry Rollins and this is his first lead acting role. I can't picture anyone else playing this part - was it written for him? I don't know, but it's a perfect fit. A real life badass portraying an invincible badass onscreen!

The film is about a man named Jack who lives his life in almost complete solitude and spends all of his time sleeping, hanging out at a small diner, and playing bingo. A few knocks on the door later, his very long and interesting past is drudged up and things escalate pretty quickly!

He has certain "needs" that he has found alternative ways of meeting, and which he seems to have been suppressing for quite some time...

You'll never guess who he really is until he reveals it.

I enjoyed the dark humor a lot and appreciated the pacing, which kept me interested even when things slowed down a bit. If you've seen some of the promos, posters, etc., you may have seen Jack with wings, but let me add that the religious aspects of this story manage to be prominent and subtle simultaneously, which I'm grateful for. I didn't want to feel like I was watching a bible story and I didn't - this movie is instead full of violence and bad attitude!

My favorite things - besides Henry, of course - would be the blood and the cinematography:

My rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 

"It's hard to live when you can't die."